Playing the game
One of the great aspects to Bar Billiards is that there are not too many rules to learn – it is quick and easy to get used to and no two games are the same!
We enjoy a growing number of league teams across the county with around eighty regular players – but we are always eager to welcome more. Our league is split into two divisions although all of the teams play each other to ensure that players get the chance to play those of all abilities.
Northants also boasts three Inter-Area teams and a County side who compete against teams from as far afield as Portsmouth, Brighton and Dover – as well as more local counties like Buckinghamshire, Berkshire and Oxfordshire.
In 2015 Northants were crowned Division 2 Champions and now ply their trade against the elite of the Bar Billiards world!
Earlier this month, the Northants Inter Area ‘A’ team were crowned Inter Area Champions for the very first time – after some 40+ years of trying! – which is a fantastic achievement. We are immensely proud of our team.
There are a number of players ranked in the top 50 of the British Rankings with a number enjoying the honour of being selected for the national team for international matches.
Where you can play
We’d love it if, when you stumble across a Bar Billiards table, you gave it a try. Here’s a map to help you: